NEWS the 27th International Poster Biennale in Warsaw SELECTED 第27回ワルシャワ国際ポスタービエンナーレに“PEACE”が入選しました。 ポーランドのワルシャワです。 the 27th International Poster Biennale in Warsaw SELECTED Dear Hajime Tsushima Participant in the Main Competition of the 27th International Poster Biennale in Warsaw, organized by the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts. We are pleased to inform you that your poster “PEACE” has qualified for the final stage of the Competition. Thank You Warsaw. Tweet 2021.05 test 2024.12 ECUADOR POSTER BIENAL 2024.11 2024年 メキシコ国際ポスタービエンナーレ 特別招待展 2024年 メキシコ国際ポスタービエンナーレ 特別招待展 日韓台100名のデザイナーによる アジアトリオ平和ポスター展 が「ケレタロ歴史的建造物地区」(1996年、文化遺産)で開催されました。ポスタテーマは「Peace 平和」 2024年メキシコ国際ポスター 2024.11 「清流に国ぎふ」文化祭2024 国際招待ポスター展 2024年度の国民文化祭、全国障害者芸術・文化祭が岐阜県で開かれました。このイベントの一環として「水」との関わりをアピールするポスター展も開催されました。開催地は、生活に清らかな自噴水、湧水を活かす「水都」大垣市です。 このポスター展は二つの内容で構成されており、その一つは 2024.11 Tolerance Poster Show in Tokyo On November 2, 2024, as part of the Lumine Art Fair, the "Tolerance Poster Show" was held at Lumine Zero and NEWoMan in Shinjuku, Tokyo, and 2024.11 Tolerance Poster Show in Hangzhou, China On September 1, 2024, the Tolerance Poster Show opened in Hangzhou, China. The exhibition took place at the DSa Gallery in Hangzhou, a sp 2024.09 selected for the 18th International Poster Biennale in Mexico! We’re excited to inform you that you have been selected for the 18th International Poster Biennale in Mexico! メキシコポスタービエンナーレにNO WARのポスターが選ば 2024.08 THE XII INTERNATIONAL ECO-POSTER TRIENNIAL «THE 4TH ВLOCK» : SELECTED 第12回国際エコポスタートリエンナーレ"THE 4TH ВLOCK" 3作品selected Japan Hajime Tsushima_Future. Hajime Tsushima_Harmonious co-existence. Hajime Tsu 2024.08 Tolerance Poster Show in Times Square, Manhattan, New York City On July 5th, we held a one-day only pop-up Tolerance Poster Show in Times Square, Manhattan, New York City. The show featured over 100 Toler 2024.07 Tolerance Poster Show in Komenský Park in Košice, Slovakia The Tolerance Poster Show opened in Komenský Park in Košice, Slovakia on June 28, 2024. The show is the third in Slovakia and features 100 T 2024.06 Intercontinental Bienal 2024 Selected My work is selected by Intercontinental Bienal 2024. Selected Artists 2024.06 Hiroshima Dentetsu Hand Towel will be exhibited in Italy Our design work, Hiroshima Dentetsu Hand Towel, winner of the coveted A' Design Award, will be exhibited in Italy, at Sala Bianco del Teatro 2024.06 Graphis Poster 2025 Gold×2, Silver Graphis Design Annual 2025 (New York) : Gold Award x 2, Silver Award 2024.06 Hiiibrand Awards 2023 Finalist Hiiibrand Awards 2023にてHIROSHIMA DENTETSU TOWELがファイナリストに選出されました。 HIROSHIMA DENTETSU TOWEL has been selected as a finalist at the Hiiibran 2024.06 On Friday May 24, the city of San Benedetto del Tronto in the southern Marche region hosted a Tolerance Poster Show in the former Cinema del 2024.05 A’ Design Award 2023 Bronze Hiroshima Dentetsu Hand Towel has been awarded the Bronze A' Design Award in Packaging Design Category. Design Presentation Page 2024.05 Tolerance Poster Show in Civitanova Marche, a seaside city in Italy The Tolerance Poster Show opened on April 29th 2024, in Civitanova Marche, a seaside city in Italy. The posters were shown through the cent 2024.04 Indigo Design Award 2024 Silver Award Indigo Design Awards 2024 にてHIROSHIM DENTETSU TOWELがSilverを受賞いたしました。 Our work “HIROSHIMA DENTETSU TOWEL” won the silver award at Indigo D 2024.04 London International Creative Competition 2023 Finalist & Shortlist Our work " Fudo Lab Collection" has been awarded Finalist in London International Creative Competition 2023(LICC2023). And the other " HIRO 2024.04 Dieline Awards2024 shortlist Our work "Hiroshima Dentetsu Towel" was shortlisted for the DIELINE AWARDS 2024. 2024.04 1 / 512345